The syllabus for each of the compulsory JAIBP course has been updated to reflect the current banking industry requirements.
IBP is now providing all candidates of the JAIBP program with Specific Learning Objectives (SLOs). The SLOs are basically a learning resource or a tool, aiding candidates in studying the most testable course material. The SLO plan provided in section 7 is indicative and is meant as a study guide. Cognitive levels mentioned are also indicative and students are encouraged to study the subject deeply and beyond the stated cognitive level to enhance their learning. This book is specifically a Syllabus Guide for the “Economics” course. More information about the ISQ program can be found in the ISQ Handbook or on our website.
The SLOs in Section 6 of this book correspond with the syllabus of a specific course. Each learning objective or SLO begins with a command word, such as, ‘list’, ‘define’, ‘describe’, ‘explain’ etc. Each command word is associated with a cognitive level. The command words help the candidates
in identifying the level of detail expected from them in their course of study. The examination questions are also framed using the same type of command words. Please see Section 10 to obtain the definitions of the command words.
The SLOs are classified under three cognitive levels:
1 Knowledge (K)
2 Understanding (U)
3 Application of knowledge and skills (A)