Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply AD & AS Cheat Sheet


AD Downward Sloping

·   Real –Balance Effect

·   Interest Rate Effect

·   Foreign Purchase Effect

Aggregate Demand SHIFTERS

·   Fiscal policy

·   Monetary policy

·   Foreign Income Changes

·   Exchange rates

·   Expectations

·   External Shocks (demand side shocks)


·   C = Changes in consumer spending

    • Consu;mer wealth
    • Consumer expectations
    • Household indebtedness
    • Taxes

·   I = Change in Investment spending

    • Interest rates
    • Expected returns
      • Expected future business conditions
      • Technology
      • Degree of excess capacity
      • Business taxes

·   G = change in Government spending

·   X  = Change in net export spending

    • National income abroad
    • Exchange rates



Shape of this curve is in dispute!

2 time periods are important

Long run

Short run


SRAS upward sloping:

·         Law of diminishing returns

·         Resource bottlenecks

LRAS completely inelastic

 Aggregate Supply Shifters – LR & SR

·         Productivity Changes

·          Inputs Price changes

o   Domestic resources

o   Price of imported resources

o   Market power

·         Legal-institutional Environment

o   Business taxes and subsidies

o   Government Regulations

Short run Aggregate Supply Shifters

·         All of the above long run shifters PLUS

·         Change in weather


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