i) All liquid securities/assets, as defined in Prudential Regulations for Corporate and Commercial Banking, held by bank/DFI under lien, pledge etc have been realized and sale proceeds thereof have been appropriated towards adjustment of outstanding amount of principal.
ii) Confirmation by the concerned official of the branch/office duly countersigned by the authorized official(s) of the office higher than the originating branch/office that borrower or his guarantor has no known means of repayment..
iii) The borrower(s) has not created other business interests and assets out of the non performing loans proposed to be written off.
iv) The borrower(s) is not involved in any criminal misappropriation of stocks, movable and immovable assets or security (ies).
v) The write off of loans/advances, if any, in the names of Directors or their relative/dependent(s)/concern(s) in which they have any interest of 5% or more and in the name of Chief Executive of the bank/DFI shall require prior approval of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
vi) No write off will be allowed where forced sale value of securities held, is more than the recoverable outstanding amount. However, the said condition shall not be applicable on the cases recommended/settled under any general incentive scheme of SBP or such other Committee(s) as notified by SBP or present Committee for Revival of Sick Industrial Units (CRSIU).
vii) The write off proposal is duly audited by the internal auditor (IA) of the bank/DFI. The IA shall clearly indicate the deviation/irregularity, if any, from the approved credit policy during the process of sanction, disbursement, documentation, monitoring/supervision of loan/advance and its underlying security(ies). The name(s) of official(s) responsible for irregularities/lapses, which has turned the loan/advance partially or fully bad/irrecoverable, may clearly be spelled out along with action taken against such official(s). It is clarified that IA would only verify the facts and figures as put forth by the concerned Department(s)/office(s) and need not give recommendation or otherwise.
viii) The latest valuation of properties/stock/other assets held by banks/DFIs as security for the loan/advance shall be obtained, if not available on record, at the time of write-off of loans, indicating clearly therein, amongst others, the present market value as well as forced sale value. The condition of valuation of properties/stocks/other assets held as security for the loans/advances shall be restricted to cases involving outstanding principal amount of Rs 5 million and above and have to be conducted through an approved surveyor on the list of Pakistan Banks Association. The valuation of properties/stocks/other assets for determining market and forced sale value having outstanding principal amount of less than Rs 5 million may be done by bank/DFI itself as it deem appropriate in a reasonable and transparent manner.
ix) For writing off of loans/advances, where outstanding amount of principal is below Rs. 0.5 million, the clauses stipulated at para 4(vii) and (viii) shall not be applicable. The banks/DFIs while following clauses at 4(i) to (vi) in said cases shall also obtain a joint certificate from originating branch manager and an authorized officer of the said branch duly countersigned by the authorized official(s) of the office higher than the originating branch confirming that no irregularity/deviation of prescribed rules and regulations in the process of sanction, disbursement, documentation, monitoring/supervision of loans/advances and its underlying security(ies) has occurred which has turned the loan/advances partially or fully bad/irrecoverable. The name(s) of the official(s) responsible for the irregularity(ies)/lapses may be clearly spelled out along with action taken against such official(s).